Becoming auto service technician can be accomplished by following some basic steps that are rather straightforward. This process can pave the way towards a promising future in the automotive repair industry. There is also plenty of room for advancement as auto service technicians can increase their pay rates and job opportunities with the more skill and knowledge they acquire. Getting started on a career as an auto service technician can provide job stability, as it is a skillset that is in constant demand. Job openings are in great abundance throughout the United States for auto service technicians.
The Job Duties of an Auto Service Technician
The term auto service technician started to gain popularity because of the ever-changing job duties that come with automotive repair. As cars began to become more advanced, more technology was integrated into its systems. That meant that computer systems and diagnostics were being used more frequently. It also meant that sooner or later, those diagnostics and computers would become problematic and wind up needing repair.
Auto mechanics took on a new role as they attended to both the mechanical and technical aspects of engine repair. Those two elements gradually merged as auto repair began to feature both mechanical and technical elements. That prompted the creation of a new term given to the individuals who make their living repairing cars and trucks. The term auto service technicians started to become more widely used and accepted. Now, when car owners visit auto service technicians, they can ask for any of the following services to be performed on their vehicles:
There are other services performed by auto service technicians as they range from basic upkeep to complex repair and replacement.
Education Requirements
Once a student graduates from an automotive technician program, then comes the time to start looking for employment. Some training programs offer job placement assistance in their local communities. Upon completion of a program, graduates will be deemed qualified to fill an auto service technician position.
In order to be admitted to an auto service technician program, one of the main requirements is a high school diploma or GED equivalency. Each program sets its own standards for the admissions process, although that minimum education level is a common requirement. Some post-secondary schools will require placement tests to be taken, while others may ask for standardized test scores.
Some associate degree programs require students to apply for admission to that individual automotive program. A program director or small committee usually decides whether or not an applicant gains admission. Although this may seem like a lot, most training programs are not too rigorous when it comes to the criteria they have set for admission.
Once a student graduates from an automotive technician program, then comes the time to start looking for employment. Some training programs offer job placement assistance in their local communities. Upon completion of a program, graduates will be deemed qualified to fill an auto service technician position.
In order to be admitted to an auto service technician program, one of the main requirements is a high school diploma or GED equivalency. Each program sets its own standards for the admissions process, although that minimum education level is a common requirement. Some post-secondary schools will require placement tests to be taken, while others may ask for standardized test scores.
Some associate degree programs require students to apply for admission to that individual automotive program. A program director or small committee usually decides whether or not an applicant gains admission. Although this may seem like a lot, most training programs are not too rigorous when it comes to the criteria they have set for admission.
Auto Technician Work Experience
A crucial step in establishing a position in the auto repair profession is gaining work experience. This is necessary in order to begin earning certifications, which will improve the standing of an auto service technician. It will also provide the opportunity to put one’s educational training to use. Here is a look at some of the places where novice auto service technicians can begin working:
The hiring process differs among those workplaces, as not all will hire auto service technicians without any work experience. However, earning an associate degree or completing a certificate program is usually enough training to get started in automotive repair.
Auto Service Technician Certifications
Climbing the ladder of success as an auto service technician requires the accumulation of ASE certifications. The National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence came into existence in 1972 and began issuing ASE certifications in a variety of areas. These certifications signify that an auto service technician has achieved a certain level of expertise. It is a way to distinguish auto service technicians who have put the time and effort into advancing their careers.
ASE certification tests require different amounts of work experience. Those who have earned a degree or certificate of completion will not have to log as much work experience as those who have not received any formal training. The most common form of ASE certification for auto service technicians falls under the Automobile & Light Truck distinction. There are eight separate certification tests in this category and they are as follows:
Earning all eight of these certifications will earn an auto service technician the lofty title of master technician. That can make fir a substantial increase in pay. There are other categories that offer certifications as well and they include collision repair, damage analysis, parts specialist and quite a few more.
Manufacturer Specific Training
Auto service technicians may also choose to focus their training on one particular brand of vehicles. This will allow them to become experts on vehicles made by an individual manufacturer. Companies like Ford, BMW, Honda and General Motors all offer manufacturer specific certifications. This training prepares auto service technicians to work in service centers and dealerships of a specific car company. They wind up becoming expert technicians on a particular vehicle manufacturer.
Qualities and Skills of an Auto Service Technician
To be an auto service technician means to have moved up from the basic elements of auto repair. It is a title that signifies an individual is capable of conducting all different forms of automotive repair. Here is a closer look at the qualities that can be found in an auto service technician.
This applies to all different facets of automotive repair and components.
It takes certain physical skills to work on automobiles and auto service techs are very skillful when using tools and disassembling parts.
Those who work as auto service technicians inspect a number of areas for potential problems with a meticulous nature.
Auto service technicians need to follow instructions and directives from their superiors when working in an automotive repair setting.
There is more than just certain characteristics that go into the making of a quality auto service technician. Each one must attain a certain skill level. This comes with formal education, but it also comes with practice. The only way for auto service technicians to become skilled is by the act of repetition. Having the chance to conduct all types of auto repair on a continual basis leads to the development of a wide array of skills. Here is a look at some of the basic skills of an auto service technician.
Repair and troubleshooting
Finding problems and utilizing the proper repair methods to provide a fix is a common task.
Quality Control
This involves running diagnostic tests and thorough inspections to determine quality in overall performance.
Routine maintenance
Auto service technicians are capable of performing routine and preventative maintenance.
There are other skills that are acquired when embarking on a career as an auto service technician. The more training and experience that an auto service technician receives, the more value is added to his/her overall standing. It is also a profession in which there is always something new to learn. That makes for an exciting career that is always evolving.