The duties of an auto mechanic have a lot to do with fixing vehicles. Auto mechanics spend a good deal of their workdays underneath cars or hovered over an engine. However, brake repair and engine rebuilds are not the only assignments tasked to auto mechanics. There is also the facet of dealing with customers.
Some customers can be extremely picky when it comes to their vehicles. They often pay large sums of money for their vehicles, which gives them the right to be discerning. Making vehicle owners feel at ease is part of the job of an auto mechanic. Those mechanics who fail to realize this fact usually see a decline in business.
The auto repair industry is one that is not limited in choices. Vehicle owners have a lot of options when selecting an auto repair shop. They are typically not going to frequent an establishment where mechanics do not conduct themselves in a professional and friendly manner. That means that auto mechanics need to be patient when dealing with customers. Having a little extra patience can go a long way as customer service in the auto repair industry is different than it is in other fields. Here is a look at how good customer service can be an asset to auto mechanics.
Ways Customer Service Builds Business for Auto Mechanics
Trust builds business as customers come back to certain mechanics because they are comfortable with the fact that they can trust them. But trust is built through more than just quality work. Honesty and integrity go a long way with customers. That means taking the time to present customers with the best options for their specific repair problem. Looking out for the best interest of the customer is a way to really heighten trust levels and is considered very good customer service. Here is a deeper look into other ways that good customer service can generate more business.
Word of mouth
It is common for the topic of auto mechanics to surface in a conversation about cars. People freely share the specifics of who they let work on their vehicles. And those who are looking for a new mechanic will put great value into what their friends and family members have to say in this regard. Providing good customer service could prompt strong recommendations and be the difference between acquiring new clients.
The value of advice
Most car owners are very uninformed about how their car works. When something is amiss, they often just drive into a repair shop and let mechanics figure everything out. Instead of having to always be the bearers of bad news, mechanics can take another approach. When customers bring in their car for any kind of service, mechanics have the opportunity to give them some helpful advice. This could range to preventative maintenance to ways to get more life out of your windshield wipers. Sharing all that automotive knowledge is appreciated by customers.
The Do’s of Auto Mechanic Customer Service
Customer service is no longer relegated to putting on a smile and saying the right things. It now involves a number of different methods. And it is the way mechanics treat customers and engage them on numerous levels that could determine success or failure. Mechanics take on a multi-dimensional approach to their work as it no longer involves just the nuts and bolts. Here are some areas mechanics can focus on when it comes to customer service.
Smarter working
The best way to work smarter is to gather intelligence from the customer. That means asking a lot of questions about the vehicle and its use. Asking for feedback will allow mechanics to design preventative maintenance plans and examine areas that may be problematic. Asking questions could lead to discovering a minor issue before it turns into something major.
Guiding vs. over pushing
Most car owners are very uninformed about how their car works. When something is amiss, they often just drive into a repair shop and let mechanics figure everything out. Instead of having to always be the bearers of bad news, mechanics can take another approach. When customers bring in their car for any kind of service, mechanics have the opportunity to give them some helpful advice. This could range to preventative maintenance to ways to get more life out of your windshield wipers. Sharing all that automotive knowledge is appreciated by customers.
Customer interaction does not have to cease once a repair service is performed. A good auto mechanic will follow up with clients who make sizable purchases to ensure everything is functioning efficiently. This does not mean mechanics should check in with every customer that comes in for an oil change. However, follow-up contact, via phone call or email, is a way of displaying courtesy to customers and showing that their business is valued.
The Don’ts of Auto Mechanic Customer Service
There are plenty of no-no’s when it comes to customer service in the auto repair industry. Customer service mistakes can be very costly. When a customer decides to take his/her business elsewhere, it means that a lifetime of business just walked out the door. Calculating all those lost costs of repair over the span of the next few years can quickly add up. Here is a look at some of the things auto mechanics should not do when it comes to customer service.
Failure to listen
Some mechanics are so focused on the actual job that they fail to truly hear what the customer says. Listening to their concerns will strengthen communication and also provide customers with the exact services they want. Staying within budget is important, as is turnaround time. Mechanics who do not listen to their clients may wind up adding to their stress level. And even if the work is done right, customers may seek a new mechanic to alleviate the stress that was caused by the inability to listen.
Misleading leads to problems
In the event that a mechanic is uncertain of how to solve a problem or answer a question, there is no shame in asking for help. Faking an answer and misleading customers could backfire in a big way. It is important to be forthright with customers as one little lie could snowball, especially if that lie is discovered. It is better to ask a senior mechanic for help when faced with any uncertainty. It is important to note that auto mechanics are always learning and evolving.
Upselling is not always a smart move
Vehicle owners are usually perturbed with having to pay for automotive repairs. When an auto mechanic approaches and recommends six or seven more services, the reaction can be one of exasperation. Some quick-stop oil change service centers make it a habit of trying to upsell all kinds of extra services and it is often perceived as obtrusive and rude. Having auto mechanics talk about fixing something that is not needed right away usually comes across as a complete turn-off to customers.
Auto Mechanic Customer Service Goes Online
Auto mechanics are not expected to be gurus when it comes to the internet. However, an auto mechanic or automotive repair shop can add credibility by developing an online presence. This does not have to involve high-tech graphics, but some simple sharing. The internet is also a place where an auto mechanic’s reputation is on display. Here is a look at how auto mechanic customer service can be improved online.
Online Reviews
One of the main ways people seek out new businesses involves reading online reviews. One bad review could quickly snowball and lead to a downturn in business. Many people are more inclined to write a bad review as opposed to a positive one. Providing subpar customer service could fuel a customer with the motivation to denounce a repair shop online. In essence, good customer service is considered to be good advertising.
Social Media Content
Some may question what social media has to do with customer service, but in the modern day and age, it is one more way to interact with customers and potential customers. Providing quality content on social media is another facet of customer service. Providing tips on vehicle maintenance and other helpful hints is something that will develop customer appreciation and help to build loyalty. That could also extend to informational videos posted on social media sites. Customer interaction is not always face to face anymore.
Auto Mechanic Customer Service Education
Customer service has become such a vital component of automotive repair that it is being integrated into auto mechanic education. Many auto mechanic training programs are now teaching students the value of customer service. That involves the instruction of accepted interaction, practices and procedures. These programs cannot shape the personality of auto mechanics, although they can teach them how to provide customers with an exceptional experience. Auto mechanics are becoming more than just skilled technicians, as they are now turning into customer associates as well. This makes for a multi-dimensional skillset in which auto mechanics enhance their overall value in the auto repair industry.